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As your Chicago real estate agent Dave Auffarth, I want to be your resource for all things real estate. Whether you are buying, selling, or investing in real estate, I am here to guide you through the process. Subscribe to this blog to learn all of the latest news from our local market and receive expert tips for buying or selling a home.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

How we helped Pam Thomas Rent with ease by knowing the Chicago market.

It’s been nothing but great experiences. I started chatting with Dave just about the idea of moving just a few years ago, so I knew I was going to use him. During that time I had other friends who were interested in selling and I recommended him to them, and they had nothing but positives. And I ended up needing his service when I rented my unit. And twice he’s just done an excellent job. I’m in the process of renting another place now and he is helping me do that. The first time when I was looking to rent my place out, that was about three years ago, and I knew that I’m not from the Chicago area so I really didn’t know anything. I had been talking to Dave and it was easy breezy. I think it’s because he knows the area. He pretty much told me based on my particular place that we are not going to have any problems running that and it’s not going to be on the market that long. I think he might have placed it one day and maybe two weeks later it was rented if it was that long. It’s always very positive working with him.

-Pam Thomas